Friday, April 24, 2009

Friday Feature: Rachel Doyle

Over the years I’ve come across some pretty neat people doing some pretty amazing things. Friday’s are now dedicated to those people.

Today’s Friday Feature: Rachel Doyle, founder of GlamourGals.

I first crossed paths with Rachel (the middle person in the pic above) while living in New York. I sat on the board of a college group called Fashion Forum, which tries to demystify the fashion industry while promoting positive conversation about women and body image. Rachel came to speak at one of our events about the company she started and the mission behind it - I was forever sold on her.

GlamourGals, as her company is called, helps to bridge the gap between high school teenagers and the elderly women in their communities. Girls open chapters in their town or through their school and at least once a week the members get together and head to a nursing home or long-term care facility. While there the girls give manicures, facials, makeovers, etc.. to the women living there. In turn the women talk about their lives, sharing stories and helpful pearls of wisdom.

The girls involved all walk away with a better understanding of the human person and her innate dignity. It’s beautiful to see. I had the chance to talk with several members from the different New York City chapters and nearly everyone said the same thing: Before they started they were afraid of the elderly and found them unattractive. Now they look forward to the meetings and love the chance to brighten up the day of another.

Rachel’s been featured on Oprah, Seventeen Magazine, and a number of local TV stations. The group is expanding, with chapters in numerous states across the country and plans to grow rapidly.

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